Our brand new, purpose built Multi-Sensory Room is nearly finished. It's three times bigger than our old one and has loads of sensory and interactive areas for our students to explore and and relax in.
Our wonderful wheelchair friendly playground has an all-rubber surface as well as a range of equipment for all children.
Our purpose-built kitchen allows students to practice safety skills and make delicious snacks.
Our large General-Purpose room serves as a PE hall as well as hosting Assemblies and end of term discos.
Our easily accessible library provides access to a range of reading materials suitable for all levels of literacy.
Shared Area
Our senior students in the Post Primary School love to hang out and enjoy presentations and movies in the large, shared area that connects their classes.
Sensory Garden
Our brand new purpose-built sensory garden allows students opportunities to relax and enjoy the different sights and smells of the plants and flowers growing their as well and trying their own hand at gardening. All of the plants are brand new and kindly donated from SightSavers 2022 Bloom Garden as designed by Drake Hourigan. The beautiful construction and planting of the garden in the school was done by Westside Engineering. All of this was coordnated by our own class teacher Michelle Doody with amazing help by the DCC.
Music Room