C.R.C. Established 1951
The Central Remedial Clinic was founded in 1951 by Lady Valerie Goulding and Miss Kathleen O'Rourke to provide physiotherapy for victims of a polio epidemic in Dublin. Its first location was a two roomed flat in Pembroke Street, Dublin 2. It soon became evident that larger accommodation was essential and with funds collected by voluntary helpers - Prospect House in St. Aidan's Drive, Goatstown was purchased.
C.R.C. School Established 1956
Other services for children and adults with disabilities grew from this and in October 1956 a special national school under the Department of Education was established with one teacher and fourteen pupils on roll. For the next decade, it remained a one-teacher school with between 10 to 14 short-term pupils attending while receiving medical care and therapy in the Clinic.
Improved Para-Educational Facilities
The sanctioning by the Department of Education of accommodation for psychologists, speech and occupational therapists as well as a nursing unit within a school was a historic moment in Irish Education. It was acknowledgement that our pupils with multi-disabilities required an inter-disciplinary educational approach. At the same time, the Department of Education makes no provision for the staffing of these areas.
2000 – 2003