Our Team

Management Team

Principal Mary Collins
Deputy Principal Lorraine Killeen
School Administrator Maria Jurado
School Secretary Alison Curley
Assistant Principal I Audrey Fagan
Assistant Principal II Aidan Fox
Assistant Principal ll Sarah Christian
Assistant Principal ll June Robbins
Assistant Principal II Siobhan Keane
School Porter Mark McCallion

Teaching Team

Cristina O’Regan Teacher Room 1
Audrey Fagan Teacher Room 2
Aisling Barnwall Teacher Room 3
Michelle Duffy Teacher Room 4
Tony DeBurca Teacher Room 5
Aisling Flanagan Teacher Room 6
Shane Lunney Teacher Room 8
Michelle O’Callaghan Teacher Room 10
Matthew Prendergast Teacher Room 11
Sarah Christian Teacher Room 14
Tracey Ryan Teacher Room 15
Alice Higginbotham Teacher Room 16
Nicole Stapff Resource
June Robbins Music
Aidan Fox IT Teacher

Special Needs Assistants (SNAs)

The CRC School is fortunate to have over 40 SNAs working across all the classes in the school. Drawing on a diverse group of skills and talents, our SNAs help ensure that all our students’ care needs are met.

Nursing Team

An on-site Nursing Department is located within the CRC School. The nurses take responsibility for the medical wellbeing of our students while they are in school as well as perform many healthcare related tasks/procedures throughout the day

Director of Nursing Jenni Crumlish
Clinical Nurse Manager Jenny Aungier
Staff Nurse Louisa Hijazi
Staff Nurse Michelle Buckley
Staff Nurse Jenny Moriarty

Bus Drivers

All students in the school can avail of transport to and from school. In the first year of Preschool, the CRC funds a school bus. For the rest of the school, transport is funded by the Department of Education with Bus Eireann having responsibility to award contracts to bus companies.


All our buses are staffed by bus escorts who assist with the students getting on and off the bus and provide any assistance required while in transit. Some buses have more than one bus escort where students have medical needs.